Articles to Inspire

Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Feminism equals choices

Anti-feminism is on the rise in America. And I’m perplexed. Haven’t feminists helped our society?

I believe feminism supports the evolution of humanity and opens doors that allow everyone to rise to their greatest potentials.

But not everyone wants those doors to be opened.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Success through Affirmative Prayer

When I worked for a large company as a production manager, I often faced stressful situations. At times, the workload, production problems and personnel issues were overwhelming. Every day I faced challenges that were seemingly way over my head. But as a Positive Energy Woman, I knew I had the tools to power through and overcome or succeed with every situation. One of my most empowering tools was, and still is, starting the day with Affirmative Prayer. This one practice helped me face everyday with confidence, optimism, love and inner-peace.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Empowered Problem Solving

Few of us are taught how to deal with a problem, rendering many of us helpless and hopeless, fearful, and avoidant of the issue. Positive Energy Women learn to face an issue squarely in the face, swiftly and creatively. In a few steps, problems are solved with greater ease and in less time, making life easier and worry free. If you are problem avoider, or are not sure how to fix an issue, the Positive Energy Woman Empowered Problem-Solving will help.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Titillating Tidbits to Enhance Your Clit Literacy

Most women are in the dark about one of their most pleasure-producing possessions - their clitoris.

And no wonder – this crowning glory of the female genitalia didn’t appear in anatomy books until the 1990s. Australian urologist Helen O’Connell noticed this glaring omission and followed her calling to learn as much about the clitoris as she could and share her discoveries with the world.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

A Face to Love

As a young girl, Justine Bateman appreciated the natural beauty of older women and was enamored by older actresses of European cinema, including Charlotte Rampling and Jeanne Moreau. She thought their dark circles, crow’s feet, and wrinkles made them look exotic and complex. She admired their poise and confident attitudes. So, when wrinkles appeared on Justine’s cheeks when she smiled, she was ecstatic. Now she would look exotic, complex, and more attractive.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Goddess for Women’s Empowerment

Rise of Venus comes at a good time for women. During this era of the Me Too and Times Up Movements, women are becoming stronger, courageous and more demanding of respect. They feel empowered through sisterhood and the support of families, colleagues, even total strangers

Rise of Venus focuses on a vitally important aspect of women’s empowerment – spirituality. Particularly women’s spirituality. Now I believe, in general, spirituality is a source of strength, inspiration and self-love. Yet women’s spirituality provides more female-focused form of connection with the Divine.

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