Empowered Problem Solving
Every person on the planet faces many problems in their lifetime. Whether a dropped ball, a miscommunication, or an honest mistake, worrying about a problem can cause detrimental effects to our mental and physical health and well-being.
Few of us are taught how to deal with a problem, rendering many of us helpless and hopeless, fearful and avoidant of the issue.
Positive Energy Women learn to face an issue squarely in the face, swiftly and creatively. In a few steps, problems are solved with greater ease and in less time, making life lighter and less worrisome.
If you are problem avoider, or are not sure how to fix an issue, the Positive Energy Woman Empowered Problem-Solving will help.
1) Reframe your position from Victim to Empowered
First and foremost, let go of feeling like a victim and face your problem as an empowered woman.
Victims feel weak, afraid, defensive and overwhelmed by an issue. They find it easier to blame others and make excuses than to exercise the problem-solving abilities they have within them.
Empowered problem-solvers don’t shrink or feel fear; they operate in a state of strength and confidence. They know they possess the fortitude, intelligence, and creative abilities to find a solution, and are willing to accept guidance from others. Coming from an empowered state of being, they boldly accept their responsibility in the issue and easily admit when they’re wrong. Their mission is to resolve the issue with the best outcome for everyone.
Becoming an empowered problem-solver is as easy as shifting your mind and knowing you already have the skills within you to fix anything. Mentally steel your inner-strength and feel your courage rise. Open your mind to find the solutions, and approach the search for a solution with confidence and a positive attitude.
2) Face the issue quickly.
No more procrastinating, avoiding, or hoping it goes away. Examine the issue with an honest eye right away. In a state of empowerment, it’s easier to face reality. What is the problem? How did it happen? What subsequent issues may stem from the main problem? Write about your problem and all your thoughts surrounding it. The truth and clarity of a problem will help you feel stronger. You may discover that the problem is smaller and easier to resolve than originally imagined.
3) Envision the worst-case scenario.
If the problem isn’t solved, what is the worst that will happen? Will you lose your house? Your job? Will a friendship end? The unknown can be paralyzing. But knowing the reality of the worst-case outcome helps you understand the truth and consequences about the problem, which can be freeing. You may discover that even in the worst-case outcome you’ll survive, which will help reduce worry and make the problem seem more manageable. It may also motivate you to take action and find resolutions.
4) Envision the outcome you want.
What will your life be like when the problem is resolved? How about the life of the other party? What is your best-case scenario for you and everyone involved? Imagining life post-problem can help reduce your worry and stress. Relaxing your mind and knowing ‘this, too, pass’ will invite a flow of creative ideas and divine guidance for creative solutions.
5) Get Creative and devise an Action Plan
Problem solving is a creativity exercise. Now that your mind is in the right place for an optimal outcome for all, it’s time to brainstorm, research, gather information, seek support, and strategize a solution (or several solutions.) This may take a short time or could take days. Once all information is collected, write your plan to solve the problem so that it’s well-organized with as many details as possible. Prepare it so that it could be printed and presented in an in-person meeting, or so that it’s easily understood by an email recipient.
6) Pitch your solution to those involved.
If other parties are involved, you’re ready to face them. You feel empowered. You’ve outlined the problem and have created solution(s). Your mission is to resolve the issue with the best outcome for everyone.
Whether you communicate in person or via email, speak from the heart in a non-defensive, authentically caring tone, which often sets the stage for receptive, drama-free cooperation.
State the exact problem from an objective perspective and explain your role in it. Apologize sincerely for the problem you may have caused. (It’s amazing how an apology will soften the other party’s defenses.) Offer your solutions. Then listen.
As much as we hope the other party will embrace your solution, be prepared to face push back, an opposing perspective, and/or an emotional reaction. Stay calm and remain in a state of empowerment with a continued spirit of cooperation. Listen carefully, for they may offer a solution that’s better than yours. Listening and maintaining your inner-calm can help reduce emotions and elicit cooperation, which often results in fast and amicable solutions.
7) Let go.
After you’ve pitched your problem and solution, release all worry, and turn your attention to other things. Feel confident that you have done your best to address this issue. Remain in a vibration of empowerment, knowing you took the action, and harnessed your inner-strength, creative energy and intelligence to find the divine right solution.
8) Accept the outcome.
If the outcome yields the best-case scenario, congratulations! Express gratitude to yourself and all parties. Quickly take the necessary action to finalize the solution and bring the problem to a close. Move on. Celebrate. Most of all, learn from this situation.
If the worst-case scenario happens, accept it. Life often offers challenges that are out of our control, no matter what we try to do to fix them. Express gratitude, for this is a divine outcome that may include a big lesson that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Agree to pay the price and remain empowered as you navigate the final resolution. Gracious acceptance is power.