Feminism equals choices
Anti-feminism is on the rise in America. And I’m perplexed. Haven’t feminists helped our society?
I believe feminism supports the evolution of humanity and opens doors that allow everyone to rise to their greatest potentials.
But not everyone wants those doors to be opened.
Feminism has been a controversial ideology since the first wave of women’s liberation, about 150 years ago. Many die-hard feminists literally died while fighting for the rights for women and people of color, while others - anti-feminists, both men and women - did everything in their power to block progress. Today, the struggle continues, even though many anti-feminists enjoy the rights won by feminists.
I knew I was a feminist in my early teens during the 1970s. I was greatly influenced by television shows starring strong, independent women, such as Mary Tyler Moore and Carol Burnette, and TV commercials with beautiful, confident models and cool tunes, like “You’ve come a long way, baby,” and evening news reports of women’s liberation protests with fists in the air. From my family’s black and white TV set, I osmotically absorbed the vibe of the feminist movement and started my path as a strong and free woman. Plus, as one of four children of a frazzled mother and overworked father, the life of an self-reliant career woman seemed a lot more fun than marriage and motherhood.
From my teen years forward, I’ve been grateful for the freedoms the feminists have gained for our society. And I’ve never regretted my decision to be an independent career woman.
So, what is feminism?
To me, feminism is an attitude of equality, freedom and choices. Feminists don’t claim to be superior or wish for women to dominate; we want balance. We aren’t man-haters. We want to make available basic, human rights that benefit everyone:
Equality for everyone, including women, men and everyone in between
Control over our own bodies, including reproductive health
Education for everyone (this is especially true globally)
Reduction of violence toward women
Equal pay and consideration in the workplace
Freedom to live the life we desire
Who doesn’t want this?
What feminists have accomplished – that everyone now takes for granted
Our feminist foremothers achieved rights that have allowed today’s women to create dynamic lives that were not possible only a generation or so ago. The rights that we all take for granted today, include:
The right to vote (1919)
The right for equal pay with the Equal Pay Act (1963)
The right to equal opportunity for anyone no matter what race, color or gender (1964)
The right to reproductive health care with Planned Parenthood (1965)
The right to end a pregnancy if she so chooses (1973)
The right for women to open their own bank account, hold their own credit card in their name, and apply for bank loans. (1975)
The right to live without fear of harm with the Violence Against Women Act (1994)
I would think even the ant-feminists would appreciate the freedoms the women’s libbers gained for us.
I shudder to think of how my life would have been (or would be) without these freedoms. How would life in America be? Limited. Confined. Unevolved.
Feminism rises above patriarchal ideologies.
Feminism is a return to pre-patriarchal existence. Archaeologists and historians discovered that most pre-patriarchal cultures around the world were egalitarian, where women and men operated equally. Goddesses were worshipped. The world was rather peaceful at the time. Together women and men evolved humanity and the world.
First indications of patriarchy appeared around 3,000 BCE, as male-dominated cultures began to invade and overtake peaceful, goddess-worhipping societies, and strip women of their positions as equals. Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), which began to arise around this time, codefied male domination in their holy texts. A few of these patriarchal religious doctrine include:
God is a man
Men are superior to women
A woman’s primary role is to serve her husband and bear children
Man leads the household and women must obey his authority
Sex other than within marriage is a sin
Women are sexual temptresses and seductresses
Women are the downfall of mankind
Women are to be quiet and let the man speak
Homosexuality is a sin
These ancient laws have remained since, and continue to influence the modern mind and our social laws.
Most anti-feminists adhere to these religious beliefs. And that’s OK with us. Feminists honor your beliefs and support your decision to follow those rules. We don’t intend to take your religion from you.
However, I, and likely most feminists, don’t believe in your doctrine. We don’t agree with the notion that man is superior. We take umbrage to your use of your religious beliefs to limit everyone’s choices.
I follow an Eastern spiritual path that honors the divine qualities of both female and male. I believe in love, honor and acceptance of all beings. There is not power struggle or superiority. There’s no pushing dogma here. Just a desire to live in a world where women and men are equal (again.)
Feminism is about choices
Feminism is about freedom and choices. It’s about gaining rights that don’t hurt anyone, but rather, help all of humanity and evolve our society.
Feminists want to gain freedoms that support the evolution of women, men, and all of humanity - if they choose to. Freedom.
So, anti-feminists, let feminists have the rights they desire. And stop hating on feminists, for often what they fight for helps you, too.