Be a positive and
powerful presence
on the planet

When you love and honor yourself and feel good about who you really are, the world notices.

Your energetic vibration is high and positive. You radiate love and beauty. You attract loving people and golden opportunities. You are capable of actualizing your dreams.

Positive Energy Woman can help you awaken and amplify your sexual, spirit and inner-strength energies, which are often diminished through our social conditioning and antiquated, patriarchal ideologies.

Discovering and restoring your vital feminine essences helps you step into your power and radiate your magnificence!

Positive Energy Woman is on a mission
to help increase your
self-love, personal power, and joyful life.

Positive Energy Woman’s Foundations of Empowerment

  • Ancient women’s history
    Since the beginning of time, women have contributed to the survival and evolution of humanity. Learning about ancient cultures and women’s achievments helps to boost our perceptions of womanhood and ourselves.

  • Goddess spirituality
    We honor the feminine face of the Divine, including Her many emanations, which represent the various aspects of the divine that dwell within each of us. She is a source of our strength and the wayshower to our own divinity and power.

  • Tantra Spirituality
    We are physical, energetic and spiritual beings. Tantric principles and practices help us to access, amplify and balance these parts of our selves for greater love, peace and joy.

  • Quantum Consciousness
    Our attitutudes and beliefs can either boost or diminish our power. Expanding our awareness of mindsets and actions, and directing them into a positive direction, can help us manifest our visions and purpose.

  • Activated with sexual life-force energy that contributes to her radiant health, beauty and pleasure.

  • Honoring of her soulful truth and receptive of divine guidance for her fullest expression as a woman.

  • Confident with an empowered mindset and a treasury of unique gifts that supports her purpose.

A Positive Energy Woman embodies an overflow of self-love, self-esteem and a high vibration that attracts positive people and opportunities into her world.

Positive Energy Woman Materials

Explore tools and materials that help amplify your self-love and up-level your energy. We start at the core of your soul and extend to every cell of your body.


Discover your magnificence, boost your self-love and unleash your personal power! Meloney’s books can help.


These fun freebies expand your mind and shift perceptions of your Self. Begin to explore the truth of who you are.


Watch the documentary series Rise of Venus: The Power of the Women’s Spirituality Movement and other videos.

Our Newest Offering!

Red Diamond Sisters Club:
Transform your Period into Power!

This is not just a book, but a movement to empower girls!

Click to learn more!

Meloney Hudson

Positive Energy Woman was developed by
Meloney Hudson
with the mission of sharing information and practices to increase your self-love, self-confidence, sexual health and energetic vibration, so you become a Positive Energy Woman who lives a joyful, fulfilling life and influences positivity on the planet.

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Three Easy Ways to Increase Your Energy for a High-Vibration Life

downloadable eBook

Learn about your energy and its influence on your life. Discover techniques that will raise your energetic vibration to enhance all aspects of your life.
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