Be Conscious Now and Evolve
As the world renews and transforms through this time of a global pandemic, and I believe we’re being birthed into a new Golden Age. Humans, the most adaptable creatures on the planet, are adjusting to new modes of making a living, being with (or without) family, shopping and socializing. It’s time of planetary readjustment and an invitation for each of us to evolve into this new life.
There are several avenues we can take to “evolve”, and each one includes a single element: consciousness. Consciousness is keen awareness of what is happening within you and around you at every moment, right “now”, without judgement or expectation. This allows you to experience the miraculous reality of being in this solid Earthly realm, while simultaneously dwelling in the quantum field of infinite possibility. Here you can tap into your truest Self to explore and honor yourself, understand the magnificent capabilities you possess, and begin to the energize your intentions, ideas and gifts. Thinking consciously with expanded and positive thoughts, high-level vision, and strong intentions will help to live courageously to bring your intentions, ideas and gifts to their fullest potential, and send you on your way toward your personal evolution.
There’s no right way to evolve. Your avenue for personal evolution may be the “unplug” route, in which you take this time to forego panic and stress, and instead see this as a gift of time to dive into self-exploration, and journaling, connecting with loved ones (on Zoom or the phone), and just sitting and resting. You allow messages and guidance to come through. You enjoy the parts of yourself you haven’t had the time to explore before.
Or you may take the “focused action” route, in which you take advantage of this time of isolation to take online classes and pursue other actions to push toward your next goals and so you can burst forth fully in your new chapter. You’re energized, love what you’re doing, and think positively all along the way.
On you may take the exit of “full acceptance” and continue to live day by day, adapting to new family and home life, and joyfully accepting the ride that life gives us while counting your blessings.
Whatever avenue you take in your personal evolution, consciousness of thoughts and actions will help you make this time a positive one, will contribute to your evolution and prepare you to step into the new world and live a joyful, fulfilling life.
Be conscious, love yourself and evolve!